Just as the name would suggest, FinAuction is an Auction / Bid Lead Program where you receive free lead alerts, and bid on leads that interest you. You are only billed when you win an auction.
PRICE:Depends on your bid. Prices range from $10 to $199 per lead.
Receive Lead Alerts
You give us your territory, and we'll send you email alerts for leads to bid on.
Preview the Lead
See the lead's details to see if it's a "fit" for you (age, assets, interests, etc.). View Sample
Make a Bid
If you've ever used eBay, you'll know this is super easy! You control everything!
If you WIN the auction we'll send you the complete lead details (all leads are 100% exclusive!).If you lose the auction, don't worry, we'll send you lead alerts for new leads as soon as they become available in your area.

Get Alerts (FREE)
The first thing you do when you set up your profile is to tell us what territory you want to cover (Ex: Texas, or 250 miles around zip code 75001). Our system will automatically send you lead alerts by email for leads that match your territory.

Lead Previews (FREE))
You will be able to see details about every lead BEFORE you even make a bid. This includes details like the lead's age, retirement savings amount, City & State, and when available, the notes from our phone call with the prospect.
Click here to see a sample.

Make Bids
When you see a lead you like, you simply make a bid for it. If you've done eBay before you'll be a pro. If not, don't worry - it's super easy... You put in a bid for the lead, or a maximum bid if you want the system to bid for you automatically, and just sit back and wait. If there's a lead you absolutely want, we have a "buy-it-now" feature that makes you winner on the spot!

The Winner gets the Details!
All of our leads are 100% exclusive. If you win the auction, we'll immediately send you the contact information of the lead (name, phone number and email) so that you can then contact the lead directly.